Our services


You can depend on us for all your HR needs:

Searching and selecting personnel with various qualifications for short- or long-term placements.

Temporary personnel, having worked in your company for at least 3 months (540 hours), may be hired as permanent employees for no additional fee.

Drawing from our vast networks, we implement a recruitment process to meet all your needs. Once the terms have been agreed upon, we begin selecting candidates based on interviews, references, and even tests if necessary.

Let OK JOB relieve you of this administrative burden. We take care of your selected candidates, with favorable contract terms.

We are here for you


Is your company facing problems for which layoffs are the only solution? Would you like to help support those employees affected? OK JOB will conduct interviews, provide recommendations and support each employee in their job search.

We will send in one of our Human Resources Consultants, who will provide on-the-ground support throughout each step of the personnel recruitment and follow-up process.

Is your company struggling to keep up with the task of personnel management without an HR manager? We can assign an HR expert to assist you a few days per month, or more if needed.