Executive jobs

The recruitment of Executives, Managers and Specialists often defines the shape of your company of the future.


Senior Staff

We draw on a vast network of partners and top-level national and international recruitment professionals to ensure the long-term development of your business and your company.


Sustainable company management

Implementation of a company Social Management System; creation and application of corporate governance tools; company self-assessment in sustainable HR management; health and safety at work; support for certifications.

Selection and placement of managers and specialists

Detailed analysis of the company's needs for the position to be filled; definition of the profile; rigorous selection of candidates; if desired, accompaniment of candidates to company interviews; guaranteed replacement free of charge during the trial period (max. 3 months).

Coaching, team building, project management

Organisation of in-company or off-company seminars on the following subjects: competency-based management, MBO, developing cooperation within a team, change management, leadership development, diversity management.

Employment law

Training in employment law; creation, revision and adaptation of company regulations; legal advice, support for companies in the event of disputes; employer/employee mediation.

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List of vacancies for executives, managers and specialists

The concept of executive is not precisely defined by law or case law. The role of a manager goes beyond simply carrying out assigned tasks. They must also play a leadership role by guiding and motivating their team. Executives are often responsible for taking strategic decisions and helping to define the company’s objectives. The distinction between a manager and an ordinary employee can also be seen in aspects such as access to specialist training and professional development opportunities. Executives generally have the opportunity to take part in advanced training programmes to improve their skills and keep up to date with developments in their sector. However, it is important to note that with executive status also comes increased pressure and responsibility. Executives can be subject to high expectations in terms of results and often have to juggle complex challenges. They need to be prepared to take on these additional responsibilities in return for the benefits and rewards associated with them.

An employee is someone who, in exchange for remuneration, performs work under the supervision of another entity, whether that entity is a natural or legal person, private or public. This entity has the right to give them instructions and guidelines, as well as the power to supervise their work and take disciplinary action if they fail to meet their commitments. An executive is also an employee of the company. The distinction lies in the fact that executives generally have specialist training in fields such as law, administration, commerce or finance. They may have a higher education qualification or significant professional experience. Unlike ordinary employees, executives have decision-making and supervisory responsibilities, as well as authority over other team members.